fight a losing battle 見込みがないのに努力する、(~と)勝ち目のない戦いをする、負け戦をする、無駄{むだ}な抵抗{ていこう}[努力{どりょく}]をする Fighting a losing battle, my son. You're fighting a losing battle. He seems to be fighting a losing battle trying to beat Mike Tyson.
commander: soldiers , you are going to fight a battle いいか お前らは兵士になって戦うんだ
we still have a lot of time to fight a battle between us . たっせい
soldiers , you are going to fight a battle いいか お前らは兵士になって戦うんだ
you have to fight a battle ! 一戦 交えなきゃ ならないじゃないかよ!
fight a battle , report a funeral don't keep making me do this 戦闘し 葬式を報告する 私にこれをずっとさせないでほしい
yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight a battle of nations ! なのに、旗を胸に国のために戦おうとする。
yoshitomo , on the other hand , had assembled only a handful of warriors , never expecting to fight a battle . 一方、義朝はクーデターのため隠密裏に少人数の軍勢を集めたに過ぎず、合戦を想定していなかった。
" if i were to go to hell , i would fight a battle against enma (the king of hell ) and gozumezu (enma ' s followers with heads of horses and cows ) with the people who had gone to hell before me ." 「もし地獄へ参ったら先に行った者どもと、閻魔・牛頭馬頭どもを相手にひと戦してくれよう。」
2 . if i guess what nobumori is thinking about , who has not accomplished anything , you might be thinking that ishiyama hongan-ji temple is a great enemy and that it will withdraw under nobunaga ' s power in a few years even if you do not fight a battle or conceive a stratagem and if you just protect the castle . 一、何ら功績もあげていない信盛らの気持ちを推し量るに石山本願寺を大敵と考え、戦もせず、調略もせず、ただ城の守りを堅めておれば、幾年かもすればゆくゆく信長の威光によって引き下がるであろうという見通しだったのか。